Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
How To Love Yourself?
Before you love somebody,you have to love yourself first.Then automatically you will know how to love others.Here are 10 tips on how to love yourself.
1. Stop all criticism:
Criticism never changes a thing.Refuse to criticize yourself.Accept yourself exactly as you are.Everybody changes.When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative.When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.
2. Don't scare yourself:
Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts.It's a dreadful way to live.Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.
3. Be gentle and kind and patient:
Be gentle with yourself.Be kind to yourself.Be patient
with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking.Treat yourself as you would someone you
really loved.
4. Be kind to your mind:
Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts.Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts.Gently change the thoughts.
5. Praise yourself:
Criticism breaks the inner spirit.Praise builds it up.Praise yourself as much as you can.Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.
6. Support yourself:
Find ways to support yourself.Reach out to friends,and allow them to help you.It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.
7. Be loving to your negatives:
Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need.Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So. lovingly release the old negative patterns.
8. Take care of your body:
Learn about nutrition.What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality?Learn about exercise.What kind of exercise can you enjoy?Cherish and revere the temple you live in.
9. Mirror work:
Look into your own eyes often.Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself.Forgive yourself looking into the mirror.Talk to your parents looking into the mirror.Forgive them, too.At least once a day, say: "I love you, I really love you!"
Don't wait until you get well or lose the weight, or get the new job, or find the new relationship.Begin NOW - do the best you can.

1. Stop all criticism:
Criticism never changes a thing.Refuse to criticize yourself.Accept yourself exactly as you are.Everybody changes.When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative.When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.
2. Don't scare yourself:
Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts.It's a dreadful way to live.Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.
3. Be gentle and kind and patient:
Be gentle with yourself.Be kind to yourself.Be patient
with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking.Treat yourself as you would someone you
really loved.
4. Be kind to your mind:
Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts.Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts.Gently change the thoughts.
5. Praise yourself:
Criticism breaks the inner spirit.Praise builds it up.Praise yourself as much as you can.Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.
6. Support yourself:
Find ways to support yourself.Reach out to friends,and allow them to help you.It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.
7. Be loving to your negatives:
Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need.Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So. lovingly release the old negative patterns.
8. Take care of your body:
Learn about nutrition.What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality?Learn about exercise.What kind of exercise can you enjoy?Cherish and revere the temple you live in.
9. Mirror work:
Look into your own eyes often.Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself.Forgive yourself looking into the mirror.Talk to your parents looking into the mirror.Forgive them, too.At least once a day, say: "I love you, I really love you!"
Don't wait until you get well or lose the weight, or get the new job, or find the new relationship.Begin NOW - do the best you can.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Broke up Advice
1. Make a clean break.
After you’ve broken up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, don’t talk on the phone, meet for coffee, or text each other. Even if you’re thinking of getting back together, make sure you take at least three months off. This breakup advice is about finding your self-identity again – figuring out who you are apart from your relationship.
2. Avoid the temptation to get revenge.
Whether your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend cheated on you, borrowed money and didn’t pay it back, or stole your pet– resist the temptation to get revenge. Getting him back only prolongs your connection, and you need to move on in order to stay happy! “The best revenge is living well,” said someone.
3. Accept that he or she wasn’t “the one.”
This breakup advice is so easy to give, and so difficult to accept! It’s hard to see that you split up for a reason, and it’s likely in your best interests to accept that the relationship is over and move on. Try listening to songs for broken hearts — they may help you heal.
4. Learn how to let go of someone you love.
It’s inevitable: you have to learn to accept that you’ve lost someone or something you love without letting it cripple your emotions or make you bitter! In fact, letting go is something you’ll have to do more and more as you get older – and it only gets easier if you accept and even embrace it. To stay happy after splitting up, remember that everything in life is temporary.
5. Take control – you are powerful!
This break up advice is effective for all painful things in life: you can’t change how you feel, but you can control what you focus on. Instead of focusing on your pain, grief, and loss – mourn it briefly, and then focus on other things. Do you want to stay happy after splitting up? Then think about the great things in your life, the people who love you, your hobbies, your pets, your job. If you don’t enough good things to focus on, consider a few life changes. Read Quips and Tips for Achieving Your Goals!
Hear this song and feel it...Dont worry be happy
If you have any questions or tips on staying happy after splitting up, please comment below!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
How To Attract GIRLS...
If you know how to attract girls, then chasing women won’t be necessary as they will come to you. When a woman is chasing you instead of the other way around, it is much easier to be relaxed and have a good time instead of concentrating on what to do next.
So what attracts people, and more specifically girls ?
-Things that are out of the ordinary. If you blend in with the rest of the world, then no one will ever notice you walking down the street, or in any location for that matter. How do most people blend ? By following what everyone else does and this leads to catastrophic results when trying to attract women.
Being a follower is boring and speaks a lot about your personality.
- It shows that you are insecure to try new things and that you don’t want attention. Now the trick to being noticed is not to dress up in bright yellow colors, but to add one interesting item to your physical appearance. There are a few guidelines to selecting the proper attire that will attract women without making you look like a fool.
First steps to being more attractive.
-First, take into consideration what kind of social setting you will be in. If you’re going to a club, then you can go all out with outlandish clothing and accessories. However, if you’re going to the library, it would be more effective to carefully choose one single attention drawing accessory.
-First, take into consideration what kind of social setting you will be in. If you’re going to a club, then you can go all out with outlandish clothing and accessories. However, if you’re going to the library, it would be more effective to carefully choose one single attention drawing accessory.
For clubs, keep in mind that you want to look different than everyone else. If everyone else is dressed up with expensive clothing, then wearing something cheap will work better. You’ll automatically be classified as the ‘guy who doesn’t care’, which can be very attractive.
If you’re at a place where people are dressed like bums, then feel free to dress up a little more and you’ll automatically be seen as ‘the only classy guy’ in the place.
Sometimes clothing itself can make a large enough difference, however accessories can further improve your magnetism throughout the day. Something unique that represents you is the ideal thing. Let’s say you enjoy biking, then you could have a necklace with a bicycle on it for instance. Then, in a social situation, people will notice and comment on your accessories.
The more out-of-the-ordinary your accessories are, the more you will get noticed.
-However, you must be able to continue the conversation and match the boldness of your accessory with your personality. Once you learned how to attract girls, you’ll need to learn how to keep them.
The attitude that you have is more important than all the clothes, money and looks in the world.
- Its cliche, but personality is more important to women than looks. In fact, there are a few secret techniques that will make you irresistible to women regardless of appearance. One of the most effective techniques is called “Cocky / Funny” in the the Double Your Dating book by David Deangelo. It teaches all the fundamental and advanced ways on how to ATTRACT girls and keep them attracted to you permanently.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Quickest way to attract boys
1. walk straight , head up and be proud
– why ? good looking or not boys tend to look the way you WALK – just by walking you are sending message to boys watching you at the back and infront. Yes it is true – thats the first thing they can see – they wont notice your face and eyes by far – so walking straight is so effective on a quick way to attract men
boys secret – when boys walk behind a straight walking girl he will be interest to see your face .
2. Talking to a boy or men
– talk at his level , dont pretend to be too intelligent for him ( boys ego ) , let him open a topic first to talk about
– then when he does, think twice but fast on how you will respond to that topic.
Why think twice and fast ? Boys tend to rate how fast your brain responds and how accurate your responses are. Make him get what he wants to hear – dont let him listen to a teacher he already have one, just the right answer to his questions is enough – if you do this he will ask for more.
boys secret – boys is trying to test his skill in communicating too . Let him practice.
3. Men can tell if you are true to yourself
– say what you feel so he will learn to understand you. Men dont like girls that keep on hiding things from them. If you want to please men then you should show the real you.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
5 tips say NO to SEX !
- When you are saying NO, use a firm voice that shows you are serious.
- If your significant other tries to break up with you, then let them. A true relationship isn't based on sex.
- Don't have sex just because someone wants you to. It is as much your choice as it is theirs.
- Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances. Alcohol eliminates inhibitions and makes sex with possibly undesirable partners vastly easier.
- Don't think you can't ever have sex, you can when YOU are ready.
p.s:If you don't think about the consequences of your actions, your life could be changed forever.
Friday, May 14, 2010
What is Important in LOVE and RELATIONSHIP?
All of us love to be loved. Love and relationship can last longer if both the persons involved, work on them. There are different ways of expressing love and emotions. A warm hug can make a lot of difference if offered at the right time. Many people fail in their relationship because they don't work on their relationship after they get engaged.
1.Know the needs
When you are involved in love and relationship, you should know the needs. You should understand what you need from your partner and what the partner needs from you. It is foolish to fall in love and get into a relationship when you don't know the needs. The couple involved in the relationship should talk about their expectations and then start the relationship.
2.Care and affection
For any relationship to succeed, care and affection is the major requirement. Only when you express your affection to your love, the other person will be happy. In any relationship, both the persons must play dual role of giver and receiver. 'Show your love and be loved' strategy can strengthen even weakest of relationships.
3.Know your limits
Many love and relationships break because the couples do not know their limits. Just because you love a person, you should not be over possessive. The persons involved in the relationship are human beings and they need their breathing space. People who try to dominate the other person cannot last long in any relationship.
Communication between the partners is essential in love and relationship. In the initial stages of relationships, both the persons will work on their relationship and communicate a lot. But as days pass by and when they know that they are into the relationship, the interest for communication is reduced. This is where the relationship beings to get a crack in it.
Both the persons involved in love and relationship expects the other to be honest. Take some time and share your feelings with your partner everyday. You may be right or wrong, but sharing your feelings with your partner builds trust. When honesty prevails in a relationship, its very difficult for anyone to break that relationship.
6.Discussions and arguments
Many times the discussions turn into arguments and this leads to the failure of love and relationship. A relationship between two conflicting individuals will not last long if both of them adjust with each other. Both the persons involved in the relationship should be adjustable and work to stop the discussion before it becomes an argument. When you are able to achieve this, then you can be sure that your love and relationship will last long.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
How To Make Somebody Love You?
Sorry for the late post this time due to my tight schedule..however i had made this topic just for you..feel happy to lend your idea..
ok,let us start now..
You have met your soul mate,the one and only,now what? now you have to made him/her madly,crazily in love with you.There are so many ways to do it..tell me how to do it?i will tell you how to do it and that why i create this blog.
In this day and age,only fools let love follow its natural course.You need to act now and manipulate the situation to your advantage, unless you want to end up unmarried.
FIVE ways to make someone love you....
No5 - BE NEEDY..
You have to let this person know you need him or her.Not only will make your lave feel good but you will be able to latch on quickly and get your hook in nice and deep.
Dig deep and discover everything about your love. You will amaze him or her with your ability to know this person so well. It will seem uncanny that you can know so much about this person. Some might call it stalking,but it's not like background checks are illegal.
You don't even have to wait for your love interest to introduce you. Take some initiative and meet them on your own. You will get to know a lot more about your love through his or her family. Plus, it will make it more difficult for this person not to get into a relationship with you once the family loves you!
Nothing better lets someone know exactly how you feel than actually telling them. That's right, be honest. You need to get it out in the open, and let him or her know exactly what you expect from the relationship. If your love wants to know which relationship you are talking about, don't hold back: tell this person everything! You can even share the ideas you have for what to.
Whoever said that you should be independent was crazy. You need to find out what interests your love. Then, make sure he or she knows that you have the same exact interests! You might have to stay up all night reading up on baseball stats or learn the local theater schedules, but it will be worth it when you have your arms wrapped, dead-tight, around your love.
ok,let us start now..
You have met your soul mate,the one and only,now what? now you have to made him/her madly,crazily in love with you.There are so many ways to do it..tell me how to do it?i will tell you how to do it and that why i create this blog.
In this day and age,only fools let love follow its natural course.You need to act now and manipulate the situation to your advantage, unless you want to end up unmarried.
FIVE ways to make someone love you....
No5 - BE NEEDY..
You have to let this person know you need him or her.Not only will make your lave feel good but you will be able to latch on quickly and get your hook in nice and deep.
Dig deep and discover everything about your love. You will amaze him or her with your ability to know this person so well. It will seem uncanny that you can know so much about this person. Some might call it stalking,but it's not like background checks are illegal.
You don't even have to wait for your love interest to introduce you. Take some initiative and meet them on your own. You will get to know a lot more about your love through his or her family. Plus, it will make it more difficult for this person not to get into a relationship with you once the family loves you!
Nothing better lets someone know exactly how you feel than actually telling them. That's right, be honest. You need to get it out in the open, and let him or her know exactly what you expect from the relationship. If your love wants to know which relationship you are talking about, don't hold back: tell this person everything! You can even share the ideas you have for what to.
Whoever said that you should be independent was crazy. You need to find out what interests your love. Then, make sure he or she knows that you have the same exact interests! You might have to stay up all night reading up on baseball stats or learn the local theater schedules, but it will be worth it when you have your arms wrapped, dead-tight, around your love.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
How To Maintain Your Relationship?(for girls)
Ehem.. nice to meet you..ok,last time i gave tips to the men on how to maintain their relationship..if only one side try to do it,it will not now i want to share tips to maintain relationship for the GIRLS.. Hai Girls..hehe..peace..
5.Have Trust and Honesty:
Trust plays a very important role in making relationships successful. Trust in your boyfriend and be honest with him. As far as possible never lie to your boyfriend or hide important things from him which he should know about you.
4.Find a Nickname:
Nicknames give a closer and personal feel than calling him by his real name. Find a nickname for your boyfriend which is flattering. Try to focus on his positive traits while choosing one. For instance, big guy is a good name for anyone who is well built
3.Support and Respect Him:
Respect and support are two major factors that every man expects from his girl. Support him through all obstacles and make him feel that you will be there for him at all times. At the same time respect his decisions and make him feel important
2.Be Confident:
Guys like girls who are confident. So act confident when you are with him. Show the world that you are the happiest girl alive to get a boyfriend like him. Don’t make your boy feel that you are over dependent on him for everything.
1.Don’t Try to Hurry up a Relationship:
Let the relationship take it’s own course of time to real its destination. Do not force your guy to start thinking about marriage and kids too soon in a relationship. This will do nothing but alarm the guy that you are looking for a father and not a boyfriend. Have fun and let the relationship take its own course. If your boyfriend is meant to be yours, he will be yours.
These factors are only some of the important factors that can keep your boyfriend happy and the relationship strong. There are many other factors apart from this that you will have to figure out for yourself. Like making time for your boyfriend, taking care of your personal health and looks and meeting physical and emotional demands to name a few.
5.Have Trust and Honesty:
Trust plays a very important role in making relationships successful. Trust in your boyfriend and be honest with him. As far as possible never lie to your boyfriend or hide important things from him which he should know about you.
4.Find a Nickname:
Nicknames give a closer and personal feel than calling him by his real name. Find a nickname for your boyfriend which is flattering. Try to focus on his positive traits while choosing one. For instance, big guy is a good name for anyone who is well built
3.Support and Respect Him:
Respect and support are two major factors that every man expects from his girl. Support him through all obstacles and make him feel that you will be there for him at all times. At the same time respect his decisions and make him feel important
2.Be Confident:
Guys like girls who are confident. So act confident when you are with him. Show the world that you are the happiest girl alive to get a boyfriend like him. Don’t make your boy feel that you are over dependent on him for everything.
1.Don’t Try to Hurry up a Relationship:
Let the relationship take it’s own course of time to real its destination. Do not force your guy to start thinking about marriage and kids too soon in a relationship. This will do nothing but alarm the guy that you are looking for a father and not a boyfriend. Have fun and let the relationship take its own course. If your boyfriend is meant to be yours, he will be yours.
These factors are only some of the important factors that can keep your boyfriend happy and the relationship strong. There are many other factors apart from this that you will have to figure out for yourself. Like making time for your boyfriend, taking care of your personal health and looks and meeting physical and emotional demands to name a few.
Monday, May 10, 2010
How To Maintain Your Relationship??(for men)
Sometimes couple can only last for about 4-5 months..or even 4-5 years but in the end,they do not married..
that so awful....i have no idea what i am gonna talking about now..but..i will give you all tips to maintain your relationship IF AND ONLY IF you want it..for this time,this advice for MEN ONLY!!
1.Ask yourself, "Why do I still want to flirt with other girls while in this relationship?"
>>If you believe that your girlfriend is Ms. Right, then she should be your number one life priority: you should care for her as you care for yourself. If your girlfriend is indeed Ms. Right, she'll eventually do the same for you.Be careful with the way you act around other girls (girls are very jealous even if they don't admit it)
2.Be honest/ Do all that you ever can to never lie to your girl, and if you do, own up to it immediately.
>>If you truly love someone, you cannot hide a lie; you will feel terribly guilty, and when (not if) she finds out, everything you have ever told her is called into question---even "I love you."she'll know when you're lying.
3.Communicate,- you have to respect her thoughts,always listen to what she says.
>>Talk to her often even in holidays send her a letter a message or even call her.
4.Work out your problems
>> In real relationships saying sorry is considered an act of war. It is an admission of guilt and a method similar to the former world council's appeasement policy with Adolf Hitler. It will not solve the problem alone, you need to talk to solve it.
5.Know everything about her.
>>If she asks you to get her some candy, you should be asking "How much?" and not "What kind?".Try hard to know her fears and delights.
6.make her feel like she's really important to you.
>>Tell her you love her and how special she is. Tell her she looks pretty (girls love to be told they look good)text her sweet things.Give off some of your time with your buds to be with her.(make her notice that but don't do it in extremes) recieve a call from your friend and they invite you over to watch movies but you are with your GF. Tell them you rather see them next day. But still tell your girl if she wants to do something the next day.
7.Insist to go to her friend's house and to spend time with her friends
>>Even if you are dying ot be with her and she's at her friend's don't go stalking her unless she asks you to come over.
8.Be polite with her parents.
>>Dad's are very careful when it comes to daughters. They are their little princesses so you better show you respect your girl and ask for permission to take her out to dinner and things like that.
9.Take the realtionship her pace.
>>Never hurry into things. She'll tell you when she's ready and how fast she wants to go. there for her.
>> if you have a missed call from her call her back. if she is cryig tell her you'll try to make things better, hug her and show other guys she's yours.
that so awful....i have no idea what i am gonna talking about now..but..i will give you all tips to maintain your relationship IF AND ONLY IF you want it..for this time,this advice for MEN ONLY!!
1.Ask yourself, "Why do I still want to flirt with other girls while in this relationship?"
>>If you believe that your girlfriend is Ms. Right, then she should be your number one life priority: you should care for her as you care for yourself. If your girlfriend is indeed Ms. Right, she'll eventually do the same for you.Be careful with the way you act around other girls (girls are very jealous even if they don't admit it)
2.Be honest/ Do all that you ever can to never lie to your girl, and if you do, own up to it immediately.
>>If you truly love someone, you cannot hide a lie; you will feel terribly guilty, and when (not if) she finds out, everything you have ever told her is called into question---even "I love you."she'll know when you're lying.
3.Communicate,- you have to respect her thoughts,always listen to what she says.
>>Talk to her often even in holidays send her a letter a message or even call her.
4.Work out your problems
>> In real relationships saying sorry is considered an act of war. It is an admission of guilt and a method similar to the former world council's appeasement policy with Adolf Hitler. It will not solve the problem alone, you need to talk to solve it.
5.Know everything about her.
>>If she asks you to get her some candy, you should be asking "How much?" and not "What kind?".Try hard to know her fears and delights.
6.make her feel like she's really important to you.
>>Tell her you love her and how special she is. Tell her she looks pretty (girls love to be told they look good)text her sweet things.Give off some of your time with your buds to be with her.(make her notice that but don't do it in extremes) recieve a call from your friend and they invite you over to watch movies but you are with your GF. Tell them you rather see them next day. But still tell your girl if she wants to do something the next day.
7.Insist to go to her friend's house and to spend time with her friends
>>Even if you are dying ot be with her and she's at her friend's don't go stalking her unless she asks you to come over.
8.Be polite with her parents.
>>Dad's are very careful when it comes to daughters. They are their little princesses so you better show you respect your girl and ask for permission to take her out to dinner and things like that.
9.Take the realtionship her pace.
>>Never hurry into things. She'll tell you when she's ready and how fast she wants to go. there for her.
>> if you have a missed call from her call her back. if she is cryig tell her you'll try to make things better, hug her and show other guys she's yours.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Ways To Become Irresistible To Women(part 2)
the continuous from previous post....
No.5 - Be thoughtful
Know why women like gifts? It shows you were thinking about them "off the clock," and that's a feeling women need and want. Problem is, gifts will make a woman feel the same inside whether it’s a card or a diamond. But start noticing little details about her and calling them out and she'll melt. If she's wearing a sexy new outfit or lip color, drop a compliment and she'll feel an attraction that no "gift" can make her feel for you.
No.4 - Demonstrate dominance
Even if you haven't read it in a psychology book, you probably know it in your gut: Women have an unconscious attraction to dominant men. In fact, dominant males in some primate groups account for up to 75% of all the matings -- and guess what? The rest all sit home alone playing Wii. Seriously, though, the same goes for humans. Although demonstrating dominance never means being overly aggressive, pushy or rude, it does mean taking strong action to get what you want. Try it. You'll become irresistible to women.
No.3 - Show some class
You don't have to be James Bond to know women are attracted to men with class. But the big news is, you don't have to drink with your pinkie in the air to show that you have class. Keep a few simple details and gestures in mind and it goes a very long way to becoming irresistible to women. For example, make sure your shoes and belt match. Learn a little about wine or foreign movies. Broaden your musical taste. Hold open doors for her. Women really notice this stuff, and it pays big dividends when it comes to attraction.
No.2 - Sound smart
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to sound smart. Creativity plus stuff you already know can create powerful attraction with a woman. Even if you know just enough about something to start a conversation, use it to approach a woman and you'll sound smart. Relate it to her ("Did you know the indirect lighting in here makes your eyes look even bluer?") and she'll be hooked -- guaranteed.
No.1 - Be funny
I say that humor is magic, and it isn't an exaggeration. Humor is the fastest, most powerful way to become irresistible to women, even women you might consider "out of your league." Make a woman laugh, and I don't care how hot or unattainable she seems, you'll trigger positive feelings in her that she just can't ignore. So if you're naturally funny, go with it. If you're not a natural crack-up, it's time to learn. Study online. Read books. Watch live comedy shows. Do whatever it takes, because when you can make her laugh, you become irresistible.
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